Elixir Of Sound Stylus Cleaning Fluid
Clear Audio
High efficient stylus cleaning fluid including applicator brush to remove dirt and dust.
10 ml.
Clearaudio Stylus Cleaner absolutely is safe for even the most delicate cartridge combinations because if contains almost no alcohol.
- You should use Clearaudio Stylus Cleaner every time you play a record, to protect both your stylus and your record. It contains almost no alcohol and is completely safe for all cartridges and stylus assemblies.
- Remember that your stylus/cartridge is delicate, so follow the instructions carefully.
How to use Clearaudio Elixir of Sound:
- Note: Always clean stylus with a BACK TO FRONT MOTION ONLY or you may damage your cartridge.
- Apply Clearaudio Stylus Cleaner by brushing onto the underside of stylus tip in a back to front motion only.
- Clearaudio Stylus Cleaner will loosen and remove the most stubborn deposits.
- Do put the cap back on the bottle as soon as possible as Clearaudio Stylus Cleaner ingredients will evaporate quickly.
- Do wipe up Clearaudio Stylus Cleaner right away if it spills. Do not allow children within reach of Clearaudio Elixir of Sound. While not toxic, Clearaudio Stylus Cleaner is not intended to be taken internally.